We currently have 3 puppies that still need homes! They are ready to join their families next Friday 9/13/2024. All the pups posted below are $4500.
Looking for a Frenchie pup to call your own?
Now accepting $500 deposits on current litters. This also secures your picking order of pups. You are never forced to pick from a certain litter and never lose your place in line. Even if you don't plan on buying a pup for awhile and least you will be ahead of the line when you do. We have several other breeding's planned for 2024!!!!
Our pet home puppy prices are as follows: $3500 black brindles, fawns, and sables, $4000 blue brindles, $4500 blue fawns, chocolate brindles, and red fawns $5500 lilacs, and $6000 solid blacks, $6500 for solid blue and chocolates, $7000 solid lilacs. Merles will start at $6000.
Our picking order list as of right now is.....
1st - Always Me
2nd- Ashley R.